Adult Newsletters


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September Special Edition

  • (p.1)

  • (p.2)

  • (p.3)

September Newsletter 2024

  • Effects of Edibles; Cannabis Infused Drinks (p.2)

  • Social Media Influence and Drug Use (p.3)

  • How to Protect Youth Online(p.4)


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August Special Edition

  • Delta-8 (p.1)

  • Effects of Delta-8 (p.2)

  • International Overdose Awareness Day (p.3)

August Newsletter 2024

  • Heroin and the Brain; Short Term and Long Term Side Effects of Heroin (p. 2)

  • NARCAN(p. 3)

  • Starting the School Year Off Right! (p. 4)


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July Special Edition

  • Side Effects of Nicotine (p.2)

  • International Self Care Day (p.3)

July Newsletter 2024

  • Caffeine; Energy Drinks (p.1)

  • Caffeine Effects on the Body (p.2)

  • Youth and Caffeine; Limiting Caffeine for Teens (p.3)

  • Dangers of Drinking on the Fourth of July (p.4)


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June Special Edition

June Newsletter 2024

  • Laced Drugs (p. 1)

  • Laced Marijuana (p. 2)

  • General Effects of Laced Marijuana; Possible Prevention Methods (p. 3)

  • Underage Drinking and Summer; Steps to Prevent Underage Drinking this Summer (p. 4)


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May Special Edition

  • Drunk Driving (p.2)

  • Legal Consequences of Drunk Driving; Tips to Avoid Drinking and Driving (p.3)

May Newsletter 2024

  • Kratom (p.1)

  • Kratom Side Effects; Research on Kratom (p.2)

  • Medical Marijuana; Is Medical Marijuana Safe (p.3)

  • Family Summer Activities (p.4)


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April Special Edition

April Newsletter 2024

  • Adderall (p. 1)

  • Side Effects of Adderall; The Brain and Adderall (p. 2)

  • Benzodiazepines (p. 3)

  • Natural High (p. 4)


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March Special Edition

  • St. Patrick’s Day (p.2)

  • National Women’s History Month (p.3)

March Newsletter 2024

  • Opioid Drugs (p.1)

  • Short Term Side Effects; Long Term Side Effects (p.2)

  • College Drinking Culture (p.3)

  • Spring Break Alternatives (p.4)


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February Special Edition

  • Marijuana Awareness Month (p.1)

  • Vaping THC; Ricks of Vaping Oil, Side Effects of Vaping THC (p.2)

  • K2 (Spice); Effects of K2 (Spice) (p.3)

February Newsletter 2024

  • Ketamine (p. 1)

  • Ketamine and The Brain; Ketamine and The Body (p. 2)

  • Cocaine (p. 3)

  • Barriers to Addiction Treatment (p. 4)


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January Special Edition

January Newsletter 2024

  • Caffeine (p. 1)

  • Withdrawals of Caffeine; How to Get Energy Without Caffeine (p. 2)

  • Peer Pressure (p. 3)

  • How to Start Your New Year Off (p.4)


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December Special Edition

  • New Year. New You. (p.1)

  • Why Most New Year’s Resolution Fail (p.2)

  • How to Keep a New Year’s Resolution (p.3)

December Newsletter 2023

  • Prescription Medication Misuse (p. 1)

  • Securing Prescription Medication (p. 2)

  • Alternatives to Giving Store-Bought Gifts (p. 3)

  • Giving Back This Holiday Season (p. 4)


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November Special Edition

  • Vaping; Dangers of Vaping(p.2)

  • How to Talk to Your Teens About Vaping (p.3)

November Newsletter 2023

  • Genetics and Addiction (p.1)

  • Environmental Factors and Addiction (p.2)

  • Thanksgiving Holiday and Drinking (p.3)

  • Gratitude (p.4)


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October Special Edition

October Newsletter 2023

  • Inhalants (p. 1)

  • Inhalants Side Effect; Youth and Inhalants (p. 2)

  • Cold Medication (p. 3)

  • Teens and Cough Medication; How Parents Can Help Prevent Cold Medicine Misuse (p. 4)


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September Special Edition

September Newsletter 2023

  • Methamphetamine (p. 1)

  • Wisconsin and Meth; Effects of Methamphetamine (p. 2)

  • Rural Life and AODA Prevention (p. 3)

  • How Rural Communities Combat Substance Use (p.4)


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August Special Edition

August Newsletter 2023

  • Social Media and Peer Pressure (p. 1)

  • Social Media and Substance Use (p. 2)

  • Means of Buying Drugs on Social Media (p. 3)

  • How Parents Can Protect Their Youth (p. 4)


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July Special Edition

  • Vaping THC (p.1)

  • Dabbing; The Effects of Dabbing (p.2)

  • Talking About Vaping in General (p.3)

July Newsletter 2023

  • What is Fentanyl; Lacing Drugs with Fentanyl (p.1)

  • Xylazine; Effects on Humans; Fentanyl and Xylazine (p.2)

  • Dangers of Drinking on the 4th of July (p.3)

  • Safety Tips for the 4th of July; Alcohol Free 4th of July Activities (p.4)


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June Special Edition

  • Pride Month; History (p. 1)

  • LGBTQ+ and Substance Use (p. 2)

  • How to Support LGBTQ+ Throughout the Year (p. 3)

June Newsletter 2023

  • Psychedelic Drugs (p. 1)

  • Summer and Alcohol Consumption (p. 2)

  • Summer and Teen Drinking (p. 3)

  • Alcohol Free Summer Activities (p. 4)


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May Special Edition

  • Mental Health Awareness Month (p. 1)

  • Mental Health and Substance Abuse; Is Drug Addiction a Mental Illness (p. 2)

  • Activities to Improve Mental Health (p. 3)

May Newsletter 2023

  • Prescription Medication Misuse; Risk Factors (p. 1)

  • Prescription Drug Misuse and the Brain; The Body and Prescription Drug Misuse (p. 2)

  • Memorial Day Weekend; Boating Under the Influence (p. 3)

  • Things to Do on Memorial Day Weekend (p.4)


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April Special Edition

  • Alcohol Awareness Month (p. 1)

  • Effects of Alcoholism; Alcohol in Wisconsin (p. 2)

  • How to Observe #Alcohol Awareness Month (p. 3)

April Newsletter 2023

  • Stress and Youth (p. 1)

  • Stress and the Effects on the Body (p. 2)

  • Stress and the Impacts on the Brain; Stress Drinking (p. 3)

  • Stress Management Skills for Teens (p. 4)


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March Special Edition

March Newsletter 2023

  • Spring Break - Peer Pressure (p.1)

  • Tips for Managing Peer Pressure (p.2)

  • Building Resilience in Youth (p.3)

  • The Seven C’s Model Resilience (p.4)


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February Special Edition

February Newsletter 2023

  • Who Invented the Vape? (p. 1)

  • Vaping and Teens; Vaping Effects on the Teen Body (p. 2)

  • Vaping Effects on the Body (p. 3)

  • Ways to Reduce Teen Vaping (p. 4)


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January Special Edition

January Newsletter 2023

  • Gender Difference in Alcohol Use (p. 1)

  • Binge Drinking; Gender Differences in Binge Drinking (p. 2)

  • Alcohol and the Brain (p. 3)

  • Parental Guide for Preventing Underage Drinking (p.4)


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December Special Edition

  • National Impaired Driving Prevention Month (p.1)

  • Drunk Driving; The Effects of Blood Alcohol Concentration; Wisconsin Drunk Driving (p2.)

  • Consequences of a DUI; Other Penalties (p.3)

  • Drug Driving; How Can Different Drugs Affect Driving (p.4)

December Newsletter 2022


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November Special Edition

November Newsletter 2022

  • History of Methamphetamine (p. 1)

  • Effects of Meth on the Brain (p. 2)

  • Effects of Meth on the Body (p. 3)

  • How is Methamphetamine Manufactured/Distributed?; Meth and Wisconsin (p. 4)

  • Methamphetamine Prevention (p.5)


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October Special Edition

October Newsletter 2022

  • Vaping and Social Media (p.1)

  • Sourcing Flavors & Social Media (p.2)

  • Disposable E-Cigarettes (p.3)

  • Nicotine Gummies; Vaping Caffeine (p.4)

  • Vaping and Your Body (p.5)


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September Special Edition

  • National Recover Month (p. 1)

  • Barriers of Addiction Treatment (p. 2)

  • Suicide Awareness Month (p. 3)

  • How to Help Someone Who is Suicidal?; 4 Ways Parents Can Build Up Resiliency in Their Child (p.4)

September Newsletter 2022

  • Impact of Underage Drinking (p. 1)

  • Influence of Underage Drinking; Consequences of Underage Drinking (p. 2)

  • Rural Vs Urban Underage Drinking (p. 3)

  • Wisconsin and Underage Drinking (p. 4)

  • How to Reduce Underage Drinking (p.5)


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August Special Edition

  • Ketamine (p. 1)

  • History of Ketamine(p. 2)

  • Effects of Ketamine on the Brain; Benefits of Ketamine (p. 3)

  • Legality of Ketamine; Wisconsin and Ketamine (p.4)

  • International Overdose Awareness Day (p.5)

August Newsletter 2022

  • Fentanyl (p. 1)

  • Side Effects of Fentanyl; Fentanyl and the Brain (p. 2)

  • Online Dangers; Online Human Trafficking (p. 3)

  • Purchasing Drugs Online; How to Keep Kids Safe Online (p.4)

  • Drug Dealing and Emojis (p.5)


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July Special Edition

  • Minority Mental Health Awareness Month (p.1)

  • Mental Health and Minority Populations; Alcohol Use and Minority Populations (p2.)

  • Drug Use Amongst Racial/Ethnic Minorities (p.3)

  • Minority Treatment Gaps (p.4)

July Newsletter 2022

  • MDMA/Ecstasy (p. 1)

  • MDMA Effect on the Brain (p. 2)

  • Summer Break and Teen Drug Use (p. 3)

  • What Can Parents Do: (p.4)

  • What Teens Can Do This Summer (p.5)


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June Special Edition

  • Tip’s for Men’s Health (p.2)

  • Beginning of Summer: Underage Drinking (p.3)

  • Preventing Summer Underage Drinking (p.4)

June Newsletter 2022


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May Special Edition

  • National Prevention Week (p.1)

  • May is Mental Health Awareness Month (p.2)

  • Mental Health and Substance Use (p.3)

  • How to Maintain Good Mental Health (p.4)

May Newsletter 2022

  • Stimulants (p.1)

  • Harms of Abusing Stimulants (p.2)

  • Stimulants and Dane County (p.3)

  • Memorial Day and Drinking (p.4)


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April Special Edition

April Newsletter 2022


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March Special Edition

March Newsletter 2022

  • Ecstasy (p. 1)

  • Substance Use and the Brain (p. 2)

  • Alcohol and the Brain (p. 3)

  • Peer Pressure (p. 4)

  • How to Avoid Peer Pressure (p. 5)


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February Special Edition

  • Black History Month (p. 1)

  • Substance Use and Black Americans (p. 2–3)

  • Ways to Honor Black History Month (p. 4)

February Newsletter 2022

  • Marijuana Edibles (p. 1)

  • Risk Taking (p. 2)

  • Family and Addiction (p. 3–4)

  • New Years Resolution Check-in (p. 5)


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January Special Edition

January Newsletter 2022

  • Stimulants (p. 1–2)

  • Vaping (E-Cigs/JUUL) (p. 3)

  • New Year, New Me (p. 4–5)


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December Special Edition

  • Holiday Stress (p. 1)

  • Binge Drinking and the Holidays (p. 2)

  • Underage Drinking (p. 3)

  • How to Enjoy a Safe Holiday (p. 4)

December Newsletter 2021


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November Special Edition

November Newsletter 2021

  • Be Thankful (p. 1)

  • Children of Parents with Addiction
    (p. 2)

  • The Seven C’s: Helping Kids Cope with Addiction (p. 3)

  • Hallucinogens (p. 4–5)


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October Special Edition

  • Substance Abuse Awareness Month (p. 1)

  • Underage Substance Use (p. 2)

  • Can Teen Substance Use Be Prevented? (p. 3)

  • Schools and Communities on Substance Prevention (p. 4–5)

October Newsletter 2021

  • Kratom (p. 1–3)

  • Halloween (p. 4–5)


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September Special Edition

  • National Recovery Month (p. 1)

  • Barriers to Addiction Treatment (p. 2)

  • Rural America (p. 3)

  • COVID 19 Impact on People with Addiction (p. 4)

September 2021


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August Special Edition

August Newsletter 2021

  • Opioids (p. 1–2)

  • Digital Drug Market (p. 3)

  • Drug Emoji Slang (p. 4)

  • How Parents Can Keep Their Kids Safe Online
    (p. 5)